Thirty-three district students participated in the SkillsUSA Area VI Regional competition at Suffolk Community College on March 21.
SkillsUSA is an organization created to help students become world-class workers, leaders and responsible citizens and ensure that the country has a skilled workforce. Sewanhaka students participate in regional, state and national career competitions every year.
At the competition, Sewanhaka students excelled in several categories. In the Quiz Bowl category, the team earned gold. The members of the team included H. Frank Carey High School student Berna Aliu, H. Frank Carey High School student Caroline Gilman, New Hyde Park Memorial High School student David Ren, Floral Park Memorial High School student Elizabeth Sepulveda and New Hyde Park Memorial High School student Nicholas Washington.
Students also excelled in individual categories. In “Action Skills Basic,” Floral Park Memorial High School student Keishara Holder earned a gold award; in “Job Skills Demonstration,” Floral Park Memorial High School student Amy O’Connor earned a gold award; in “Prepared Speech” New Hyde Park Memorial High School student Nicoletta Lorusso earned a gold award; and in “Prepared Speech,” H. Frank Carey High School student Devin Murdoch won a silver award.