Maya Barravecchio, Jack Cannon, Tasnim Daouaou, Madison McCurley, Marcus Mega, Samantha Nieves, Jennifer Venus and Fiona So

Congratulations to the following students who were recognized for their efforts in the General Federation of Women's Club Annual Creative Writing Contest. Maya Barravecchio, Jack Cannon, Tasnim Daouaou, Madison McCurley, Marcus Mega, Samantha Nieves, Jennifer Venus and Fiona So received awards for their respective categories in the Island-Metro District. Madison McCurley and Jennifer Venus will represent Floral Park for judging on the New York State level. Congratulations to all students!

Maya Barravecchio, Jack Cannon, Tasnim Daouaou, Madison McCurley, Marcus Mega, Samantha Nieves, Jennifer Venus and Fiona So