Student holding certificate

Four members of the FCCLA Sewanhaka Chapter attended the annual State Leadership Conference with more than 150 students from New York State. They participated in four STAR EVENTS (STUDENTS TAKING ACTION for RECOGNITION), showcasing their college and career-readiness skills in Family and Consumer Sciences and related occupations. 

The following members received Gold, earning the privilege to represent New York State at the National Conference this summer in Seattle, Washington:

Ashna Balroop - 12th grade - FCCLA National Programs in Action- Community Service

Win Hla - 11th grade - Nutrition and Wellness

Tivanie Singhroy - 10th grade Professional Presentation

The following student member received Silver, also earning the privilege to represent New York State at the National Conference this summer in Seattle, Washington

Emiley Muthusamy -12th grade - Food Innovation

Students holding certificate