The district recognized the Class of 2023 valedictorians and salutatorians from all five school buildings at the board of education meeting on Jan. 24.
The students were introduced by their respective building principals, who shared details on the students’ academic and personal achievements. The honored students were Elmont Memorial High School valedictorian Mohammed Rahman and salutatorian Kimone Walker, Floral Park Memorial High School valedictorian Deirdre O’Neill and salutatorian Samannita Mukherjee, H. Frank Carey High School valedictorian Ryan Yu (not in attendance) and salutatorian Caroline Gilman, New Hyde Park Memorial High School valedictorian Priya Persaud and salutatorian Taseen Tanzil, and Sewanhaka High School valedictorian Carl Andre Montoya and salutatorian Sean Andrade.
Additionally, Superintendent of Schools Dr. James Grossane congratulated the district’s Career and Technical Education Pre-Engineering program students on being recognized as a winning team for the NASA TechRise Student Challenge. Some of the valedictorians and salutatorians present at the meeting are enrolled in the pre-engineering program and were honored along with teacher Jack Chen.